Wednesday, August 12, 2009

it's been a while

So, it's been too long since I last posted, I will start being more persistent with it. I've been busy with summer school and moving, but now that both of those are over I have time to show you things i've been doing! These next two are prints i started in the summer etching class and I'm continuing to work on. There's etching, plastic plate relief, and hand drawing in the first. The second one I also screen-printed on it. 

This is a close up of the drawing i've been doing.

I got inspiration from taking geology, history of the earth this summer. That class was a major headache to cram the entire history of the earth in 4 weeks, but I was exposed to amazing source material; images, patterns, and rock/land formations. 

These 2 panels are 4'x6' beasts that I started a year ago and haven't touched since, but I'm planning on getting them finished this coming semester. So far the first one is only screen print and the second is screen print and oil.

This one I'm super excited to get working on again. 
I've also been crafty and started painting wheat in our new bedroom!

This is the most recent addition to our altar, a bumble bee.

And of course, Nola wants to walk all over my paintings with her dirty little paws.

An old sculpture project! Good decoration! haha

Nic has his music room all set up and I get half the room for art storage. I'm going to make the garage my studio so that I don't have to haul everything back up to campus for one more semester.
I'm excited for school to start back up so I can get back into the swing of working everyday. I've been taking a break to go camping and enjoy the summer. 
Keep checking, I promise I will update more!! 
Don't forget to check out for awesomeness. Also my friend scott just made a new website at

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sam and I put up a new show!!!!!
Good vibe mountain is now up at Henry's coffee shop for your viewing pleasure!
The reception is Saturday the 11th, 6-9pm.
Here are some photos:

The set up looks really good, Sam has little clusters of framed work.
Sold! I sold this one this morning to a really nice coffee goer. :)

My statement:
My work is part of an ongoing exploration of how the world is viewed through our senses; memory, imagination, and everyday digital encounters. I am interested in the multiple layers that our minds create through personal experiences with nature and how each individual relates to their environment. Using images of landscapes, I re-invent these memories by using textures and muted colors that relate to my own personal encounters with nature. Although this fascination with the immense variety of objects in nature is shared, each individual experiences nature differently by blending visual, sensual, and emotional layers based on their interactions with the world.

Visit Sam's blog to view his amazing work! here
I will post the stuff I'm working on this summer soon!

Monday, April 27, 2009

prints with drawingggg

I've been trying to get a lot of prints done lately, but it's been hard for me to finish any because I keep wanting to add more and more to them! Lately I've been working with silk screening flat mountainous figures with the digital texture I always use, then drawing back into them for more detail. This is one in the beginning stages right now(click to enlarge these images):
Here is a detail of a large full sheet fabriano paper:
the full view, still in progress:
here's another with different drawings:
here they are when i first started, there's an edition of 6, but all a little different:
This is a little print I'm finishing up an edition of 3:

My big panels are really frustrating me right now so I'm not going to show those yet. Once I finish them I'll post them on here. My friend Sam and I are having a show together in July (here is his blog) and it's going to awesome! It's at henry's and we get to fill the whole upstairs and downstairs. I'll have more details when the time comes. Hopefully soon there'll be a group show coming up as well. Anyways, lately all i've been doing is drawing, reading, planting, cooking and riding bikes... so I'm having a great spring so far!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

earlier prints

So, I have about 7 different kinds of prints in progress right now. These are some i started earlier in the year but I am still working on them. Started off as monotype silkscreens and I've been printing, painting, and drawing on them.
here's a detail of the trees:

I also have several panels with printing, oil painting, and drawing in progress. I'll put up pictures of those soon. I've been really inspired after SGC to spend a lot more time on my work, and I've realized I need to spend a lot more time thinking through the process before jumping in. I've slowed myself down in the past week and it's been really helpful. I'll put up pictures of the print I did last night and my paintings probably in the next few days..... so keep checking!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This is where I will be showing my work! stay tuned.
SGC here we come!